Monday, March 08, 2004

“This Empty Bed”

I could cry right now
With all this lack of back talk
I could scream at the world around me
If I believed someone was listening
Though I know those worthwhile
Are sleeping
Or whispering words
To those unknown to me
So why should I care
Why should I find solace in those
I wish would disappear
And you?
Where am I in your
With my many, many, many
And attributes
That goes un-noted
I climb into this empty bed
And know better than to reach for
Of the dead
Or the less than present
I want to
Because I want you
To reach back
And familiarize
Yourself with my writhing
And heart
Yet I know better
For wherever you may be
This night
It is not with me
Or my mind
Or my body
Or my ever-forgiving heart
Be it alone
Or in company
Have chosen you
And I?
Lie alone
With only the ability
To touch myself
And dream of you