Thursday, January 08, 2009

Limitless Abyss

She knows no limit

Stewed deep within omen and obstacle
                   she can manipulate
however finds truth in its antithesis
For life is not meant to be orchestrated
                   The crescendos we reach on our own in unmeasured time

While her body and mind distract
                   her heart: redirects the lost and keeps the wondrous ones at bay
She treads lightly now on the bridges she’s rebuilding
her manifest destiny broken beneath her bare feet

She carries on
                   What else would you have her do

In untimely progression
she bares witness to the wake she leaves behind
An unending sea
raging with passion and envy
crashing against possibility and scenarios of what might have been
With this perspective:
                   on the calm side of the chaos
all that exists is what is
                   What might have been surely seems diluted

True to form
she still walks the thinnest line
                   Testing waters
contemplating wading
for a ship that leaves her sunk

She stands up
                   Allowing her tears to fall
but better in the end
Significant to a fault

What can be broken and truly repaired?
                   We transcend machinery
                   Yet the shell, so delicate
even a mended heart is battered
barring scars to tell it’s tale
She leaves doors unlatched and words unspoken
                   Rhyme and reason were never a good match anyway
                   Making do with one
she releases reason

There is safety in numbers and comfort in between
Magnificent in her own unraveling
she knows what she is
but wonders if anyone else can see

Monday, January 05, 2009

Green for Not Much Green: Testing