Friday, July 24, 2009

My Sweet Heart

Tablespoons of discontent pepper nimble limbs
dancing gingerly against a skin ripped clean at the seams
torn like a paper-thin fabric
revealing barren bones
and a fevered heart: trapped by a brittle ribcage

She violently yearns to be set free
Escaping the confines of a body abused by careless whispers
and expired promises
Never resting
she beats and bellows
calling out in silent reverie
Her frequency misunderstood by many
but loud and clear to one

               Sing out!

There is a rhythm sought
yet not yet found

My sweet heart:
Your fight may not yet be won
However the company you keep
stands unmoved, embodying you
No matter how this body bends and breaks us
we shall seek and we shall find
While there may be strength in numbers
I believe just we two
will write the words
to right the wrongs
unbinding the chains which bind you

Captive no more
you shall break down my walls within
welcoming heat and life
Surrounded no more by barriers
we shall travel far and wide
running wild
but never reckless

My sweet heart:
A world so cruel has no room for our ways
But know this
There is no such thing as measure between we two
Circumference is a foreign word
Time is referenced
but never recognized
And while your heaviness has a weight
there is no number attached
So be it tablespoons or metric tons of dirt and flesh
you and I will win this fight
with no room for remorse or regret

My sweet heart:
This declaration is sound
like your permanence beneath my breast
                                                 I am held captive
                                                 only by you