Monday, July 26, 2004

“She Sits In Silence”

She sits in silence
Embarrassed by her own defeat
The words that once rolled freely
Fail her
Her depth and definition
Live on
Buried beneath pages
She has not the strength to write
Her hand grows heavy
Her heart recognizes the strain
She is tied down
And her own tongue will not release her
Confusion gives way
Sheds light on a situation
Too few could recognize
The magic
The dance
The laughter
She cannot record her own fate!
She’s blinded
But believes her words will find their proper place
In time
The lines will form at ease
The tale will create itself
Her strength will give shape
To the world she wishes to share
And the wet from her swollen eyes
Will no longer smudge the inescapable truth
So she waits
She sits in silence
For fantasy
And reality
To no longer
Deny her will
To write
The truth

“Who Is The Hero?”

Heaven help the lost and lonely
And disguise the hurt
The pain
With pride
And the desire to feel
The careless yet cavalier
Carry on
Not knowing
What is right
Who is wrong
No chosen path
Aimless and awaiting
The truth
So vague
Out of focus
My mind blurs
I familiarize myself
With these feelings
The rare
The laughter
And reluctance
My future is with me
I fumble
And I fall
The unpredicted tempts me
Yet the torture
Is within
And surrounded
I am still alone